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CYS Communications Team

Through the hard work, expertise, and care of our amazing team, CYS is able to achieve real impact within our community. Hear from Gio and Malia, CYS Case Managers, to learn about a few of their recent successes when working with our youth and their families. 

All client names have been changed to protect privacy. 

A Success Story from Malia

In a recent restorative justice mediation, CYS Case Manager, Malia Lemonious Gonzalez, worked with two youth, Emmanuel and Ricky. Emmanuel, who had caused harm to Ricky, initially offered a rehearsed apology that lacked genuine accountability. The session started off quite tense with the parents on both sides accusing each other of poor parenting values. However, the mediation took a turning point when Ricky shared the impact of the incident on his life and the real trauma and resulting anxiety. Emmanuel was able to connect Ricky’s experience to his own history of being bullied, and realized he did not want to make someone else feel the way he had. This revelation sparked a deep connection of empathy between the two boys, as they both reflected on the impact of bullying in their lives. And this in turn sparked empathy between the parents.

Moved by this new understanding, Emmanuel's apology became heartfelt. To further demonstrate his remorse, Emmanuel committed to donating $200 to a charity of Ricky’s choice. Impressed by Emmanuel’s sincerity, Emmanuel’s parent pledged an additional $800, bringing the total donation to $1,000. Ricky’s parent, recognizing the courage and growth displayed by Emmanuel, matched this amount with another $1,000.

This mediation not only fostered mutual empathy but also resulted in a generous act of reconciliation, highlighting the profound impact of restorative justice.

A Success Story from Gio

When Mike first came to CYS, he was dealing with the aftermath of the pandemic. Like many others his age, it disrupted his schooling, leading to struggles with online classes and a few failed courses. During a similar period, Mike was caught up in an incident that brought him to working with CYS Clinical Case Manager, Giovanny (Gio) Porcallo.   

The situation was a serious wake-up call. Rather than letting this incident define him, Mike chose to take accountability for his actions. With the support of Gio he not only made amends but also embarked on a journey of personal growth.

As he worked through the restorative justice programming at CYS, Mike’s determination to succeed in school became evident. Upon returning to in-person classes, he turned his academic performance around, achieving B grades or better in all his subjects.  

Not too long ago, Mike received his acceptance letter from a local college and will be attending this Fall. He has decided to stay close to home to continue supporting his family while pursuing his dream of becoming the first in his family to graduate from a four-year university. 

As Mike steps into this new chapter of his life, he carries with him the lessons learned from his time with Centinela Youth Services: the importance of taking responsibility, the value of making things right, and the belief that every challenge can be an opportunity for growth. 

As we reflect on this month’s achievements, we want to extend our deepest thanks to our incredible staff and volunteer mediators. Your passion and dedication shine through in every interaction, and your thoughtful, informed approach helps each individual discover and reach their full potential. It’s your relentless commitment that truly transforms lives and enables our clients to thrive.


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