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CYS Communications Team

The tragic loss of a young person last night was both predictable and avoidable.

Enough is enough. We all must stand up for ending a harmful system operating with rampant unchecked use of public dollars that has become a hotbed of abuse and neglect of our most vulnerable young people.

The LA Times has done extensive coverage on the failures of our elected officials and state governing bodies to hold the LA County Probation Department accountable for serious on-going harms to young people.

Please learn more and raise your voice and tomorrow and other upcoming Board of Supervisor meetings. We must keep the pressure on to end the madness.

This after two teens just overdosed at the end of February and were revived with Narcan and warnings about security in the camps/halls were left unheeded and uncorrected.

And the Board of Supervisors is poised to give increased funding to this institution that continues to create harms and bring undue burdens to local budgets due to on going lawsuit liabilities for allowing abuses to continue unchecked.

Want more data and history on this problem?:

Here’s how to take action:Concerned citizens will be meeting outside of the Hall of Administration at 500 W. Temple Street, 90012 at 8:45AM to demand the Board of Supervisors stand by their commitment to Youth Justice Reimagined.


Show up or call in at 9AM

In person at: 500 W. Temple Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Via phone: (877) 336-4437

Participant Code: 1366786#

Once instructed, press 1 then 0 to be placed in the queue to address the Board (you’ll hear confirmation). Do not press 1 then 0 again, otherwise you will be removed from the queue.

Speak on Agenda Items 1 and 2 and general public comment. We hope this will allow for up to 3 minutes of public comment, but you never know. Agenda item #1:

Report by the Chief Executive Officer on Budget Issues Facing the County

  • The cost of Probation is well beyond the Probation line item in your budget. All of the dollars dedicated to lawsuits stemming from harm at the hands of the Sheriff and Probation are a sign that we should be investing in something else.

Agenda item #2:

Public Hearing on the 2023-24 Recommended Budget and Revisions

  • The CEO is employed by you, the Board of Supervisors. Do not let this be another example of political theater and start holding yourselves accountable for your commitment to harmful carceral facilities and the continued investment in harm over healing.

Our friends at the LA Youth Uprising Coalition have provided sample talking points to help you prep for speaking at the meeting.

Can’t make it in-person? Here are some sample tweets to send out between 10AM - 11AM! You can always retweet our content!

The tragedy at #BarryJ this week was both predictable and avoidable. It is time for bold actions to Reimagine our justice system @HildaSolis @HollyJMitchell @LindseyPHorvath @SupJaniceHahn @kathrynbarger


Probation is holding onto the funding for 400 vacant positions. It’s time to not only enact a hiring freeze but also GET RID OF THOSE POSITIONS

@HildaSolis @HollyJMitchell @LindseyPHorvath @SupJaniceHahn @kathrynbarger


Why is @LACountyBOS funding @LACProbation with over $400 MILLION per year to abuse young people? Our tax dollars need to go towards healing, care, and support for youth—not child abuse. #DefundProbation & fund @lacyouthdev immediately!


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