Youth in foster care are the most vulnerable kids in our society. Here in Los Angeles County, there are more than 33,000 youth in foster care who have experienced abuse, neglect, or been abandoned [2]. Kids who experience trauma (abuse, neglect, abandonment) become more susceptible to behavioral and learning challenges.
Juvenile Justice-Involved Students in LA County [3]:

The current structure of the child welfare system can often result in increased levels instability among its youth. Youth in foster care frequently move from house to house, school to school, and guardian to guardian due to inadequate structures of support, and then are generally blamed for these transitions. Without appropriate support, stability falters. Without support or structure, youth behavior will escalate and levels of punishment will increase. Youth in foster care, disproportionately, have to deal with many adverse realities that are outside of their control. We, as a community, need to provide additional support because of this. All kids must know that their community cares about them. As you can see from the statistic above, there are many youth in foster care who come in contact with the juvenile justice system, and as a volunteer with CYS, you are able to help us get that percentage down. Volunteers who show-up for youth in foster care provide an incredibly meaningful support and long-lasting impact. Sign-up today to become a volunteer with CYS: Volunteer
Thank you to our partners who help our team provide the best possible care for our youth in foster care:
Childrens Defense Fund: Assists CYS with policy issues and legal support
CASA: Provides CYS with specifically trained mentors to help kids through diversion when in foster care.
[3] Fact Sheet. Unhidden Figures, The Children's Defense Fund - California. PDF File. December, 2018